Oneness Minute Message - Day 5

What if we could see it all? What if we knew, really knew that everything was a part of everything? How would our world change?
"The material world is full of familiar objects that we can see, feel, touch, taste and smell. As big objects become small, shrinking to the size of atoms, our senses fail us. Theoretically the shrinkage has to stop somewhere, because no atom is smaller than hydrogen, the first material particle to be born out of the Big Bang. But in fact an amazing transformation happens beyond the atom - everything solid disappears.
Atoms are composed of vibrating energy packets that have no solidity at all, no mass or size, nothing for the senses to see or touch. The Latin word for packet or package is quantum, the word chosen to describe one unit of energy inside the atom, and as it turned out, a new level of reality."
~ Deepak Chopra, How to Know God, p. 29
Thank you, for doing your part to align with others around the world to celebrate our Oneness. Everyday at 11:11 we are remembering our connection: to each other, to our planet and to All That Is.
The goal of this global daily exercise is to shift our belief of separation to an awareness of our natural connection.
Humanity's Team is a worldwide movement that seeks to bring people together through our focus on education and inner work. The world does not have to be the way it is. Each one of us has the power to change it.
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We join All in Love and send Peace and Joy to All.
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