Oneness Minute Message - Day 4

How about being love, understanding, or peace?
"Should you choose this experience of communion with God, you will finally know peace, and joy unbounded, and love fully expressed, and full freedom.
Should you choose this truth, you will change your world.
Should you choose this reality, you will create it, and at last fully experience Who You Really Are.
It will be the hardest thing you have ever done, and the easiest thing you will ever do.
It will be the hardest thing you have ever done because you will have to deny who you think you are, and stop denying Me. It will be the easiest thing you will ever do because there will be nothing that you have to do.
All you have to do is be, and all you have to be is Me.
Even this will not be an act of will but a simple acknowledgement. It will not require an action, only an admission.
I have been seeking this admission forever. When you grant Me admission, you let Me into your life. You admit that you and I are One. This is your ticket to heaven. It says: Admit One.
When I gain entrance into your heart, you gain entrance into heaven. And your heaven can be on Earth.
Everything can truly be "on earth as it is in heaven" when the time of separation is over and the time of unification is at hand.
Unification with Me, and unification with all others, and with every living thing.
This is what I have come to tell you, once more, through the messengers of today. You will know them as my messengers because they will all be bringing the same message: We Are All One."
~ Neale Donald Walsch, Communion with God pp12-13
Thank you, for doing your part to align with others around the world to celebrate our Oneness. Everyday at 11:11 we are remembering our connection: to each other, to our planet and to All That Is.
The goal of this global daily exercise is to shift our belief of separation to an awareness of our natural connection.
Humanity's Team is a worldwide movement that seeks to bring people together through our focus on education and inner work. The world does not have to be the way it is. Each one of us has the power to change it.
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We join All in Love and send Peace and Joy to All.
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