Mercury Retrograde

On July 4, 2006, Mercury, the cosmic magician, turns retrograde in Leo, the sign of the Lion, sending communications, travel, appointments, mail and the www into a general snarlup! This awkward period begins a few days before the actual turning point (as Mercury slows) and lasts for three weeks or so, until July 29, when the Winged Messenger reaches his direct station. At this time he halts and begins his return to direct motion through the zodiac.
Everything finally straightens out on August 12, 2006, as he passes the point where he first turned retrograde. Mercury turns retrograde three times a year, as a rule, but the effects of each period differ, according to the sign in which it happens (see box for Retrograde Periods in 2006).
A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion.
Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon.
See above website for more info...
So yesterday (Fri 7-28-06) was a very strange day... started off with me getting a flat tire at sunrise, but I made it to the parking lot at work :)... got into work and was finishing up a report and the two main files I was working with just dissapeared from the server... and it took me two hours to fix the issue... then a bunch of other random stuff kept happening to prevent me from working on the stuff I was planing on working on.. 20 min before lunch my pants zipper blew out, but luckly i had a shirt that would cover it in front and my boxers were a close color to my pants.... I thought I would change my tire out during lunch so I could goto the bank after work (not having any $$ on me, and being payday) , well the week before I scored a washer and dryer for very little $ and I took the cap off my truck and removed all my tools from the back of the truck.. anyway I goto remove the flat tire and find that there is no lug wrench in the truck and among the tools I removed was the impact wrench my father gave me... so I couldnt remove the tire.. and had no $$ to get the flat fixed even if I got the tire off... so I called my aunt and oddly enough found her on the second phone call I made... she aggreed to pick me up and take me to the places I needed to to get the tire fixed... She picks me up after work and her car is acting weird ... first thing I asked her was if she was having trouble with her transmission, because the engine was reving up but the car wasnt going ... so we make it to the bank.. and head toward me house to get the impact wrench... all the while her car seems to be getting worse... leave my house and make it a few miles down the road and her car is so bad that we are bearly moving, so we pull over and decide to goto kmart and get some transmission fluid.. so we both walk/run accross a 6 lane highway and goto kmart... while there I remember to get some school notebooks (10 for $1) I got 48 (two cases) and amy got 1 case... totally forgetting that we walked there... so we head back to the car and run back accross the 6 lane highway (patton ave) put in a whole qt of transmission fluid.. and try to head toward my work which is 30 miles away... bearly make it one block to the gas station where I buy 2 more qt's of transmission fluid... add 1 qt.. and decide its not going to make it back to work.. and we head towards the transmission place just down the road...and we make it 4 more blocks, and the car dies again.. I add my last qt of transmission fluid and we just bearly make it to the transmission place... park the car and amy calls someone to borrow there car.. not home... I call laura and she comes and gets us... we run out to my work.. and I change my tire.. but now all the tire places are closed so I cant get it fixed... amy says we should try walmart... we head there.. and they say that since the hole is on the sidewall they cant fix it.. so I buy a new tire... $50... head home make dinner.. and the amy and I go out to the truck so I can drive her home, and guess what... to finish up the day someone egged my truck... lol... I wonder if it was right around sunset since it was sunrise when the days misadventures started... nothing really bad happened .. just distracting... a interesting day to say the least... but all turned out fine. and I didnt let it get to me... Interesting that it happened on the end of Mercury Retrograde :)