Monday, December 05, 2005

Becoming mindless consumers...

"Nearly a year ago, two couples were charged with scamming WalMart for nearly $1.5 Million by creating custom barcodes with reduced prices. You'd think that in the intervening months, other companies would guard against such shenanigans - but today we see that Target just caught a scammer buying iPods for $4.99! The 19 year old used BarCode Magic to create fake barcodes, buying expensive electronics suspiciously low prices."

this kid said he "didn't have any $ to buy things".... Oddly he tries to buy something that yes is resalable on ebay... But it wasn't like he was trying to buy some food, TP, etc....

I wonder if the $4.99 covers a days wage for one of target's employee's working in there overseas manufacturing plant.. See previous post on "walmart - the high cost of low price"

are we all really just becoming mindless consumers... and will we do anything and everything to get them cheep semi-usless goods..???


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