Saturday, December 02, 2006

Project For A New American Century (PNAC) Videos

Project For A New American Century (PNAC) Videos

Project for the New American Century

Opposing the Project for the New American Century
CSPAN, Knife Party, Nine Inch Nails - 8 min 58 sec
Brave American soldiers are dying daily in Iraq, and for what? To stop Iraq from using the WMDs that they never even had? Do you think perhaps Bush and his cronies had some ulterior motive? It is conceivable that the War on Terror is merely a pretext for sending America down the slippery slope toward Fascism. I only hope that We, the People of the United States, realize what is going on before it’s too late.

PNAC, Iraq, and Iran - 2 min
The Project for the New American Century is a radical right-wing group that, as you'll see, has made some alarming statements, and has a great deal of influence in the President's administration.

Project For A New American Century (PNAC)

PNAC ring leader William KRISTOL confronted on 9 11 - 18 min

William Kristol, chairman of the Project for a New American Century (founded in 1997) speaks at the University of Texas in Austin about the current political climate and the "new order" or "new world" that emerged after 9/11. He is confronted by a large number of protesters who carry banners and question his role in 9/11. Pg. 51 of the PNAC document "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (published in September 2000, which otherwise calls for the dramatic build up of military forces and for a climate of multi-theater wars) states: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."

Confronters include Infowars staff members Kevin Smith and Aaron Dykes, as well as members of the U.T. student group "Project for a New American Citizen."

Through smirking and laughing at the challenging audience, Kristol admits that he at first thought 9/11 would be a forgettable "one-off," he admits that his father was a Communist after joking about voting communist accidentally and laughing at the question itself.

The function was hosted by the U.T. Dean of the LBJ School of Public Affairs, James B. Steinberg, who is a Bilderberg attendee (multiple times since 1994, including 2006). He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and has been a part of the Brookings Institution and an advisor in Bill Clinton's Presidential cabinet.

He is confronted by Aaron Dykes on his involvement with Bilderberg, as well as a paper he wrote entitled, "Preventive War: A Useful Tool" in which he suggests that we not let W. Bush's idea of a pre-emptive War ruin our concept of a 'preventive war.'

They Want Your Soul - 16 min 57 sec

This reveals what 911 catalyzed, and more importantly what it's distracting even the truth seekers from acknowledging. This is a crash course in the bitter truth of the state of our society, government and the technological system that's beyond even Hitler's own wet dream.

Visit for the Bibliography / Research Guide before you dismiss this videos contents.

It features assaulting visuals, with facts and combined information that you wont find in any other documentary, laid over an music score that you wont soon forget. With the intense audio/visuals and loads of information you may need to watch this several times to absorb the many things you've probably never heard of. The information contained in this video applies to all Americans and humans alike, regards of beliefs or affiliations.

you were warned! - Az

Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime - 1 hr 11 min

This 911 film focuses on prior knowledge and smoking gun facts. Doesnt cover things like found in virtually all of the other 911 films like government sponsored demolitions theories, reported explosions or other disaster scenes related evidence / theories.

EGLS rough topic listing:

Case 1: Project for the New American Century

Case 2: Florida Election -2000 Election -ChoicePoint (see also) -John Bolton -Staged Riot

Case 3: Huffman Aviation -Able Danger -Jeb Bush & Wally Hilliard -Huffman Aviation -Highjackers trained at military bases -Atta trained at Maxwell AFB -Yeslam bin Laden -Rudy Dekkers -Discover Air -INS -Venezuela

Case 4: San Diego -San Diego -Abdussattar Shaikh Phoney -American Commonwealth University -William Lyon -New Majority

Case 5: Secured Visas -15 Hijackers -Visa Express -pnac -Richard Armitage

Case 6: Intelligence Breakdowns and Coverups -Robert Wright -Coleen Rowley -Michael Maltbie -Harry Samit -Sibel Edmonds -Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer -Yellow Stickers -911 Commission -ABLE DANGER -Rep. Curt Weldon -Commander Scott Philpot -Slade Gorton -2.5 Terabytes

Case 7: Gamblers Scandals -Jack Abramoff -Rep. Tom Delay -Sun Cruz -Gus Boulis -Adam Kidan -Superbowl -Atta on Sun Cruz -Vegas Strip Clubs

Case 8: Foreknowledge -Willie Brown -Top Pentagon Officials -John Ashcroft -Salman Rushdie -Insider Trading -Buzzy Krongard

Case 10: -23 warnings from 11 governments -George Tenet -Ashcroft -Tom Pickard -John Oneill -Bush Memo -Fl. Executive Order 01-261

Case 9: Terrorist Money Trail -Pakistan Money -General Mahmud Ahmed - Ahmad Umar Sheikh -Daniel Pearle -Sen. Bob Graham -Rep. Porter Goss -911 Joint Congressional Inquiry

Case 11: Air Defenseless -War Games & Drills Timeline -Cassette Tape -Shocking Event -Pentagon Renovation Program -Hani Hanjour -Michael Meacher -Paul Hellyer -Robert M. Bowman -General Myers -Sen. Max Cleland -General Montague Winfield

Finalie: -Counterterrorism Task Force -Cheney & Cipro anthrax vaccine prior to attacks -Fascism

Google video search "Project for the New American Century"

So many videos with this info.... I had to stop somewhere.... Az


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