Buying new eyes and saying NO

First I had to tell then NO when they wanted to place drugs into my eyes to dilate the pupils... I have had this done at least twice before and did not enjoy the experience one bit... I will not go into describing that experience for that is not what this post is about.. Anyway this procedure is not necessary for a normal checkup and really only needs to be used if a disease is suspected ... Not every time just so it is a little easier for the doctor to see into my eyes (which my doctor commented about since I declined the drops, and how it would make her job easier, but noting about MY health)
#2 I was asked my age... And was told that I should expect to loose my near sighted vision when I get to be 40-42..? Why I asked... Oh everyone does, so just expect it... WTF is this not so suddle subliminal bullshit... It is that kind of mindset and belief that causes disease in the first place... I say oh that's interesting, not wanting to get into a disagreement with someone else's belief system, even if they were trying to brainwash me into there twisted little world...
#3 while installing a new pair of contacts I looked at the ingredients on the bottle of saline solution and the doctor asked what I was doing .. I told her I was looking for thymersol .. She asked why and I said I didn't want any more mercury in my system , her comment... But that's the preservative in it... aahhh yea... And its mercury... And I don't want it... She actually started looking at the bottle and tried to see if there was any in the bottle... There wasn't.. But she did make a effort... But still no knowledge of thymersol , probably doesn't know its in the flu shot either...
#4 while paying cash I was asked for my phone #... I pleasantly declined again and the checkout lady seemed stunned that I didn't want to give her my #... She said "oh we don't give your info out.. So I said I understood but still I didn't want to give out my #... She said how are we to call you when your contacts come in.. I said I didn't order any at this time... And I would call in a week or so to place my order... (like I couldn't call them in a few days) so she says "well Im going to write in the comment section " don't want to give phone number" , I said that would be just fine and gave her a nice smile :)
I will not longer just blindly give my info for no reason... Is there really a need to know where I live? I really don't want anything they would send me anyway... SS# ??? Reason? NONE... Again no more data mining...
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