Friday, March 24, 2006

U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. to Scan Nukes

WASHINGTON (AP) - In the aftermath of the Dubai ports dispute, the Bush administration is hiring a Hong Kong conglomerate to help detect nuclear materials inside cargo passing through the Bahamas to the United States and elsewhere.

The administration acknowledges the no-bid contract with Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. represents the first time a foreign company will be involved in running a sophisticated U.S. radiation detector at an overseas port without American customs agents present. full story at:,,-5707111,00.html

Hutchison Whampoa & Li Ka-Shing
consultant Charles R. Smith offered commentary on the news that the U.S. plans to hire a Hong Kong firm to search for nukes at some of its ports. The company, Hutchison Whampoa, has as its chairman the billionaire Li Ka-Shing, whom Smith pointed out maintains close ties to the Chinese military. For more, see this page posted on Smith's website.

China Defeats U.S. National Security
Chinese Warlords 1, Bush 0
Charles R. Smith
Thursday, March 23, 2006

The upcoming visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao has sparked a "forgive and forget" attitude not seen before inside the White House and halls of Congress. Accordingly, the Bush administration quietly announced its first concession to China, to celebrate the visit.

The quiet publication of a waiver in the Federal Register notes that China will not be held responsible for its continued proliferation of weapons. These weapons include sales of advanced Chinese cruise missile and ballistic missile technology to the mullahs of Iran.

The move by the Bush administration removes the required punishment against Beijing. The communist leaders in Beijing have promised on a monthly basis since 1990 to stop selling nuclear, chemical and missile technology to rabid world leaders hell bent on starting World War III. For some unexplained reason, George Bush now believes them.

The economic reality for the waiver of sanctions against the Chinese warlords is that America can continue to sell Boeing jet liners to Beijing. This does have a positive effect in the aerospace industry but goes against the law.

China has already demonstrated that it can convert these civilian airliners into military planes without fear of sanctions – whether law requires the punishment or not.

Full story at:


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