Well it looks like one arm of "they" found me... Glad it wasn't the nasty ones... It was a small and hopefully unnoticeable side of the beast...My acting skills are getting better... For I drew no attention and said I will play the game... For the time is not right to do battle... For when I fight it shall be on MY terms and under MY conditions, NOT theirs...
Read Sun Tzu, chose your battles and when to fight them
The day will come when MOLON LABE will be the saying the of the day
okay. I say the day will come when molon labe won't even be remembered because no-one would even remotely consider taking up arms for any reason. Until that day, as you said, learn to blend. Let's face it, tho, this blog is NOT very blendiful....blendilicious?
I want hard facts - what's been happening?
Molon Labe does not only mean taking up arms....
Resistance to Tyranny and Oppression weather it be Social, Economic, Political, Religious or GOVERMENTAL is how I view the phrase!
We as a Country / Society in these states are in dire need of a revolution in goverment, religion, political, economic and social
We (most) as a people have become indifferent to life and the world around us and continue to support a goverment / big business that has no thought of the Individual or the LONG term results of its actions.
I hope and pray that those in power see the error of their of their ways and THINK about the results of what they are doing to the people, the land and the world as they try to impose their WILL / desires upon the population that they think that they control.... I hope and pray for a peacefull world where we all work for the betterment of all of mankind in stead of the present system of expliotation. But I fear the dark days ahead, Molon Labe to me is resistance to the oppressive unresponsive goverment / big business.
One of the best books written (in my humbel opinion)on resistance and the way the world SHOULD be is AYN RAND's ATLAS SHRUGGED I try to read it every couple of years but, People should remember these words by Ayn Rand: "We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: The stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force." We I feel are fast approching this and it is this that I resist.
Molon Labe does not only mean taking up arms....
Resistance to Tyranny and Oppression weather it be Social, Economic, Political, Religious or GOVERMENTAL is how I view the phrase MOLON LABE
Sun Tzu wrote about the "art of war" but it is also a business guide and a life guide, if you get past the "WAR" stuff and apply the aspects to how to deal with the goverment / big business. Chose to fight the battles that you CAN win and fight them WHEN you can win them.
I've rambled on long enough, hope my spelling isn't too bad and that picking up a gun isn't necessarily the best or right option. I would love to see a world peace and no fear
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