This is your warning
Since I am such a nice person I decided to give the world fair warning...
greed, corruption, and the enslavement of humans will no longer be tolerated...
keeping the world on oil for your gain of the almighty dollar while its killing the world and the people who live on it, will shortly come to a end...
This is your one and only warning... For I will do the thing that others have not been able or willing to do... Why? Because if it takes the ultimate sacrifice like others in the past have done ...then so be it...
The paradigm of having to sacrifice one's self for the greater good belongs to the Piscean age and is no longer in play. The very nature of the Aquarian Age is that the truth will out. This IS the time to tell the truth, the whole truth and only the truth. If they do kill you for it J, I'll sing and dance at your wake with a joyous heart, freed from gravity. Where do you want the ashes spread?Blessings, A
As of this moment in time (always subject to change) the quartz fire pit at shining know what/where im talking about... Az
me too.
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