Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Instant rejection

I know that I do it too.. But I try to see all sides of things..

The issue I am having is peoples refusal to even consider something new and different.. Not even trying to see, hear, or investigate the subject at all... Just a instant rejection.. Based on a thoughts or beliefs that's really not even based in true facts...

Lets take an example of GRAVITY :) and you that have talked to me within the past month KNOW about my views on gravity, anyway... Newton and Einstein DESCRIBED the effects of gravity.. I explain WHY a person or object has the effects that we call gravity...

Newton admitted he didn't know WHY or WHAT gravity is, Einstein gave a good description of it and tried to give a reasoning for it that most people could understand (while still keeping the ZPE out of his equations).

But when I describe a different point of view that gives the same effects and explains the anomalies that Newtonian gravity cant explain.. Some people have a instant knee jerk reaction... I wonder why this is... Are people in fear of something new? Do they think they know everything about the subject? Are they just spewing so called facts that they learned when they were younger. Do they not hear when a scientist says "WE THINK this is why.. (insert any theory here)" ..

Lets look at Dark matter - From Wikipedia
In cosmology, dark matter refers to hypothetical matter particles, of unknown composition, that do not emit or reflect enough electromagnetic radiation to be detected directly, but whose presence can be inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter such as stars and galaxies. The dark matter hypothesis aims to explain several anomalous astronomical observations, such as anomalies in the rotational speed of galaxies (the galaxy rotation problem). Estimates of the amount of matter present in galaxies, based on gravitational effects, consistently suggest that there is far more matter than is directly observable. The existence of dark matter would also resolve a number of inconsistencies in the Big Bang theory, and is crucial for structure formation.

If dark matter does exist, it has vastly more mass than the "visible" part of the universe. Only about 4% of the total mass in the universe (as inferred from gravitational effects) can be seen directly. About 22% is thought to be composed of dark matter. The remaining 74% is thought to consist of dark energy, an even stranger component, distributed diffusely in space, that probably cannot be thought of as ordinary particles. Determining the nature of this missing mass is one of the most important problems in modern cosmology and particle physics.

96% of the entire universe is not visible or can be detected and this is all based on gravitational observations... So instead of looking at the gravitational theory as possibility NOT being totally correct... Lets "make up" something that we cant see or detect and add that to the conventional way of thinking until it fits all nice and good .. ahhh.. Now I feel all cozy now... Since we have a name for this "unknown" stuff... Even though they just RENAMED a idea from the past... Why rename a idea from the past.. Because Einstein took it out of his equations and said we didn't need it so it didn't exist... and saying Einstein was wrong (or not totally correct) is like committing academic suicide... God forbid ANYONE say Einstein was wrong...

"who are you to say Einstein is wrong"
"who do you think you are? Einstein?"

oh and dont even bring up the "Graviton" reason for gravity.. its the same as dark matter/energy...

So call it what you will ... Dark Matter/Dark Energy... Whatever... Feel all cozy in your rigid thoughts.. for a storm of change is coming.. and it will blow the straw/stick/brick house of your mind away.... Unless.... your willing to bend with the wind.. like a reed.. flow with the ideas and look at them from a totally different point of view... you just might see that we are living a illusion :)

- Az


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