Monday, March 27, 2006

Some one elses rant.. from another website....but I thought it was interesting... -Az

Posted: 2006-03-28
by foodnotoil
The short answer is, yes; the truth movement has been infiltrated. We've seen that everywhere, from the protests (big & small) to the innocuous peace groups, with anarchists/activists (fake/paid) whose sole purpose is to cause a ruckus so the media can zoom in and narrowly cover a protest crowd as if it's an angry mob worthy of patriot act utilization.

The second aspect of this infiltration is to induce distrust between progressives, activists and anti-nwo patriots. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be suspicious, indeed I've run into these people before when their cover is blown; i'm saying that by narrowing our efforts to single issue campaigns, we are shutting ourselves off from real progressive change.

People can say zionist this, and zionist that, and that's fine, we can talk, discuss, and debate the issues at hand that reside behind the nametag(s) dujour. But when people are so caught up in a single issue like only being anti-zionist, or only being anti-nwo, or only being vegetarian, or only being anti-war, or only being anti-terrorist for that matter, we are merely putting a sloppy regurgatory icon on a whole mess of problems that now exist in the world.

To put it into perspective, take for instance the vegetarian & vegan movement. If the whole point is to reduce suffering of animals, then why do they only point to one solution, to go vegetarian or vegan... Why not also promote free-range organic meat, dairy and eggs? The point i'm trying to make is by putting up one narrow view of the world, you come accross to other people as a fundamentalist and they're red flag goes up and offensive shields quickly form.

What's better? For people's red flags to go up and percieve you're efforts with a distrust, or to make sure people's shields stay down so you can ensure that a seed gets planted; cause once the seed is planted, it's easier to water it and make it grow with engaging facts & ideas

Then there's the whole issue of industrial agriculture. While pro-vegetarians quickly spout their run-down of why other people should go organic/vegan, meanwhile obscene amounts of toxic chemicals and genetically engineered mutations infiltrate the political debate dujour. Guess what? These toxic chemicals poison humans and wildlife causing, gasp -- suffering, bad-health, cancer, supressed immune systems, death, and even mutations. Bring this up to most hardcore vegans or PETA activists and suddenly you might hit a nerve and their whole worldview gets shattered.

Again, I'm not saying that there isn't an NWO or Zionist shadowy elite looking for the next opportunity to advance an agenda. That's all just names that have been thrown out there for people to take-up as an activist cause to finger point at bodies of people and say "these people" over here are the root of all problems and if we beat them and expose them and everyone agrees that they are them, that they are real, and overthrow them, then we win and live happily ever after with a fully restored & ratified constitution & bill of rights.

There's over 246 million children being drug around like slaved cogs in the global economy. Rich political hacks float on top of whole nations, getting bought off by corporations & covert-operations, setting up free trade zones where imf/world-bank induced-poverty runs amuck so that corporations can swoop in and exploit human slaves to their diseased heart's content. Planes fly overhead dumping loads of toxic chemicals (pesticides) on our food supply and our tax subsidies goes to funding all of this.

While people are spouting nwo this & nwo that, or zionist this & zionist that, we can all help monkeywrench their social & economic futilist slave system(s) by promoting local and/or organic agriculture, fair-trade products, enact legislation to take away corporations' rights to personhood, produce engaging informational posters, lobby representatives to become active and take a stand on certain issues that, not only will effect our collective future, but their own well-being & future health of their own family.

What part of Depleted Uranium mutation toxicity don't they understand? Print off copies of government/university documents about it and personally go down to their next meeting or public-hearing and hand it to them directly, letting everyone else know what it is and how it effects them. Plant all these seeds on a whole range of issues and then maybe you can start spouting nwo or zionist terms. But until then, you are severly limiting your human potential for activist-induced change. There are trillions of ways of taking on the NWO, don't let activist prison cells form around you; become, *gasp, open-minded! lol


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