Oneness Minute Message - Day 7

"A strange necessity has been laid upon me to devote my life to the central concern that transcends the walls that divide and would achieve in literal fact what is experienced as literal truth: human life is one and all men are members of one another. And this insight is spiritual and it is the hard core of religious experience.... It is my belief that in the Presence of God, there is neither male nor female, white nor black, Gentile nor Jew, Protestant nor Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, nor Moslem, but a human spirit stripped to the literal substance of itself before God."
- Howard Thurman, spiritual mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and founder of the Church of the Fellowship of All Peoples in San Francisco
Thank you, for doing your part to align with others around the world to celebrate our Oneness. Everyday at 11:11 we are remembering our connection: to each other, to our planet and to All That Is.
The goal of this global daily exercise is to shift our belief of separation to an awareness of our natural connection.
Humanity's Team is a worldwide movement that seeks to bring people together through our focus on education and inner work. The world does not have to be the way it is. Each one of us has the power to change it.
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We join All in Love and send Peace and Joy to All.
Good words I would add that we ARE the presense of God!
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