Oneness Minute Message #10

We join our hearts and minds together every day at 11:11 to acknowledge our Oneness with All That Is. There are times in our lives when we feel rushed, pushed and forever behind schedule. What if we were right on time? There is enough. We remember that we live in the eternal moment of now, and what we choose in this moment affects everything: past, present and future.
"When we look into the heart of a flower, we see clouds, sunshine, minerals, time, the earth, and everything else in the cosmos in it. Without clouds, there could be no rain, and there would be no flower. Without time, the flower could not bloom. In fact, the flower is made entirely of non-flower elements; it has not independent, individual existence.... One thing is made up of all other things. One thing contains the whole cosmos.... A piece of bread contains sunshine.... Without a cloud, the wheat cannot grow. So when you eat the piece of bread, you eat the cloud, you eat the sunshine, you eat the minerals, time, space, everything." Thich Nhat Hahn
Thank you, for doing your part to align with others around the world to celebrate our Oneness. Everyday at 11:11 we are remembering our connection: to each other, to our planet and to All That Is.
The goal of this global daily exercise is to shift our belief of separation to an awareness of our natural connection.
Humanity's Team is a worldwide movement that seeks to bring people together through our focus on education and inner work. The world does not have to be the way it is. Each one of us has the power to change it.
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We join All in Love and send Peace and Joy to All.
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