Lou Dobbs Exposes North American Union On CNN
Lou Dobbs Exposes North American Union On CNN
When Mexican president Vicente Fox leaves office this week and Felipe
Calderon takes his place, President Bush will be the last of the
so-called three amigos. Bush, Fox, and, of course, Canadian prime
minister Paul Martin were the originators of the so-called Security
and Prosperity Partnership, which critics call nothing more than a
North American union. It means open borders, commerce of all costs,
and, by the way, without the approval of either American voters or the
U.S. Congress.
Christine Romans reports.
CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Waco, Texas, 2005.
Under these three men, the Security and Prosperity Partnership was
born. An effort, the governments say, to harmonize regulation and
increase cooperation between three very different countries.
The Mexican president in Cancun this spring...
VICENTE FOX, MEXICAN PRESIDENT (through translator): We need to
elevate the competitiveness of our economies.
ROMANS: And a new Canadian prime minister joining the discussions as
this North American partnership barrels ahead, with departments and
ministries of all three governments working quickly to integrate North
America by 2010. The official progress report boasting,
"Implementation is on track."
And now Mexico's new president, Felipe Calderon, widely expected to
keep the progress moving. Critics, though, say there's too little
transparency and no congressional oversight.
TOM FITTON, JUDICIAL WATCH: There's nothing wrong with neighboring
governments talking to each other, synchronizing their watches to make
sure they're all on the same page in the cases of emergency or on
trade issues or even on the flows of goods and people. But if policies
are being made that the American people might oppose, or that are
contrary to the law, especially as it relates to immigration, you
know, they're doing something a bit more nefarious.
ROMANS: He points to SPP documents urging the free flow of goods and
people across borders and a wish list from business interests that
borders remain open during a flu pandemic. Worse, critics say foreign
policy elites are promoting a European-style union, erasing borders
between the three countries and eventually moving to a single North
American currency called the amaro (ph).
A Commerce Department spokesman, however, denies this -- "There is
absolutely no plan for a common currency."
ROMANS: Speculation about that erupted again this week after some in
the Canadian business contingent included a list of their long-term
goals for the SPP. But people involved with the partnership between
the three countries are very quick to distance themselves, Lou, from
that very, very unpopular idea.
DOBBS: The fact is -- and everyone watching you and that report
tonight -- for any American to think that it is acceptable for the
president of the United States and this executive department of his
government, his administration, our government, to proceed without the
approval of Congress or a dialogue and a debate and a -- and a public
voice from the people of this country is absolutely unconscionable.
ROMANS: The defense of those folks who are saying that they're
involved with the SPP is that they're not doing anything that would
require congressional approval or voter approval. They're just
harmonizing the regulations between the three countries.
DOBBS: What they're doing is creating a brave new world, an Orwellian
world, in which the will of the people is absolutely irrelevant. And I
think we've had a sampling of what's going to happen to people who do
that in the future.
I can't imagine this standing. But then again, I couldn't imagine its
beginning nor the fact that it's gotten this far.
Christine, thank you.
Christine Romans.
That bring us to the subject of our poll tonight. A North American
union, Mexico, the United States and Canada, a really good idea or a
really bad idea?
Cast your vote, please, at LouDobbs.com. We'll have the results here later.
A North American Union (Mexico, the United States and Canada), a
really good idea or a really bad idea?
A really good idea 8% 631 votes
A really bad idea 92% 7715 votes
Total: 8346 votes

A New America?
Lou Dobbs spotlights the NAFTA Super Highway and the North American Union
3 min 7 sec - Oct 28, 2006
Lou Dobbs spotlights the on going progress of how the US government is moving along plans to merge America with Canada and Mexico, forming a North American Union. The stepping stone to the North American Union is the proposed NAFTA Super Highway that would run all the way from in Mexico through America and into Canada. This information must be spread to inform others about this treasonous plan to end America's sovereignty! Americans must stand together and say NO to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) and the North American Union (NAU)!
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