Saturday, November 11, 2006

America Has Partially Awakened - Complete The Revolution

America Has Partially Awakened - Complete The Revolution

Hurray for the American people! We've delivered a clear repudiation of cabal policies: the war in Iraq, attacks on Constitutional rights, the economy, corruption, and the Bush junta in general.

But we must not settle for false promises, assuming that the 2006 election results will produce some kind of magic.

And we must not be deluded into believing that members of the Democratic Party are intrinsically more on the side of working-class American citizens than Republicans.

The New American Revolution

We must fully awaken to the real meaning and import of the 2006 election: we, the American people kicked the rascals out. Many fuzzy-thinking people are going to try to get us to misinterpret our citizens' rebellion against forces we recognize as destructive of the country and the people. For example, as the election evening wore on and the political implications of the massive anti-Bush, anti-corruption, antiwar vote became unmistakable, both Democratic pundits and cynical media spinmeisters tried to misconstrue the election results in completely reactionary and bland terms--pretending that a political revolution had not taken place. One self-appointed expert bemoaned that America had already had its revolution and didn't want another.

If we look carefully at the 2006 election, we see that it reflects the broad, deep popular opposition not only to Bush, but also to the media, to the Iraq war, to rampant corruption, and members of Congress in general. American citizens didn't choose Democrats because we see them as more competent and more ethical than Republicans--we simply chose the lesser of two evils because we had only two alternatives.

We, the American electorate repudiated all members of Congress--Republican and Democrat--who backed the administration's war drive, promoted Bush's lies about weapons of mass destruction and Iraq-Al Qaeda ties, stood idly by and allowed the Bush junta to destroy quintessential Constitutional rights such as habeas corpus, 1 and continue to support the massive slaughter of American soldiers in the perverse cabal plan to privatize Iraq's oil resources and re-structure the geopolitical map in the Middle East.

"The results of Tuesday's elections represented not a popular mandate for the Democrats, but a repudiation of policies that the Bush administration has pursued with the collaboration of the Democrats themselves." 2

The American People Express Their Revulsion

What Americans 3 conveyed through the 2006 election was: We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore. At least 29 Republican incumbents went down to defeat in the House of Representatives and the Democrats gained a large number of state legislatures and governorships. This was no mild expression of easygoing discontent; it was a vehement outburst of revulsion at how the cabal--through its Bush junta--has been destroying our nation and our fundamental principles.

American citizens expressed themselves in such extreme terms that it horrified the political and media establishment. The politicians and the media sycophants simply refuse to recognize that the American public is so furious with the status quo that it's expressing its disgust in this intemperate manner. During his Wednesday White House press conference to announce Rumsfeld�s resignation, Bush said, �I recognize that many Americans voted last night to register their displeasure with the lack of progress being made there [in Iraq].� But he quickly added: �Yet I also believe most Americans and leaders here in Washington from both political parties understand we cannot accept defeat.

No, Mr. Bush, the American public is not merely amiably discontent with what your propaganda calls "lack of progress in Iraq," we're up in arms at your temerity in imposing a dictatorship on this country and turning it into a totalitarian state. What the 2006 election says to you is that we're not going to be taken in by your indoctrination and propaganda any more and we will no longer tolerate your lies, equivocations, and pretenses; we're going to clean out the entire swamp.

The Present State of the American People

The political and media pundit-pretenders still haven't understood that the 2006 election showed that the American people have started thinking for themselves; they're no longer willing to be the pawns of the spinmeisters and propagandists. The political and media charlatans still want to pretend that they control American voters. So we get the outlandish explanations by people like Rahm Emanual and Howard Dean saying they produced the 2006 election results by "expanding the conservative center" and "asking more people to vote." And in elections where Republicans won, Karl Rove and his Nazis are saying that they controlled the results by "getting out the base."

Hello imposters? The American people voted in the 2006 election the way they did because they're beginning to make their own judgments and act accordingly. They rejected the propaganda on the right and the left. And they showed that they're no longer going to tolerate lies and false accusations in election campaigns and campaign ads. The Republicans, it is now evident, can no longer assume that merely getting conservative voters to the polls will automatically result in a win for the GOP.

We mustn't mistake our being irate and appalled at Bush and his Democratic and Republican collaborators, however, as evidence of our having come fully awake; we've just partially awakened from a suicidal sleepwalking state. We must come fully awake and work assiduously to overcome remaining elements of somnolence.

Many Americans had allowed themselves to be entranced and possessed by cabal lies. Those persons willingly succumbed to Bush junta propaganda, accepting the Republican false reality as true. Whether it was swallowing the Big Lie of the weapons of mass destruction and the necessity of a unilateral invasion of the sovereign state of Iraq or the necessity of giving up our Constitutional liberties for the sake of the war on terrorism, a large number of Americans have mindlessly acquiesced to Bush junta falsehoods.

Here are other cabal delusions from which the American people must free themselves:

1. Now that we've expressed our outrage at the Bush junta, they'll completely change their policies and tactics.

"In a White House ceremony accepting Rumsfeld’s resignation and introducing his replacement, former CIA director Robert Gates, Bush left no doubt that the fundamental policy of the administration remains unchanged.

"In nominating Gates, Bush praised the career CIA official as someone who 'understands the challenges we face in Afghanistan' because of the role he played as Reagan’s deputy director of the CIA when he 'helped lead America’s efforts to drive Soviet forces from Afghanistan.'

"In other words, he is one of the American intelligence officials who established intimate ties with Osama bin Laden during the CIA-backed war that shattered Afghan society. As such, he played a role in fostering the very Islamist terrorists who ultimately carried out 9/11. Nothing could express more starkly the cynicism of America’s ruling elite than Bush’s touting such a record as a qualification for leading the 'war on terror.'

"Gates’s ties to terrorism do not end with bin Laden. In the mid-1980s he was tied to the network of White House operatives and CIA agents who organized the 'Iran-contra' operation, in which covert arms sales to Iran were used to provide illegal funding for the US-backed 'contra' terror war against Nicaragua. He has likewise been linked to covert efforts in the 1980s to supply weapons to the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein during its war against Iran.

"That such a figure is being introduced as the champion of a 'fresh perspective' on Iraq is the clearest warning that even more horrific crimes are being prepared." 2

All we have to do is vote in a new Congress and all our problems will be solved.

"To the extent the Democrats gained the majority in the House, it was on the backs of some very rightwing Democrats who won the election against rightwing Republican incumbents. And so, there was no mandate for any progressive agenda." - Ralph Nader, Interview with Amy Goodman, 10/8/06

"Under conditions in which the population is so alienated from official politics that only 40 percent of those eligible even cast ballots, the sweeping defeat of the Republicans is a pale reflection of the seething discontent that exists throughout America." 2

The American People's Revolutionary Agenda

The message we sent in the 2006 election demanding change will not be acted upon unless we come fully awake and make sure that policies and procedures are enacted that will:

* Stop the Bush junta from bankrupting our country through its military spending and corruption (e.g. Haliburton no-bid contracts)

* Halt the destruction of our Constitutional rights by repealing the Patriot Act and recent legislation that legalized torture and destroyed habeas corpus

* Pass legislation that will end illegal immigration, penalizing any employer who hires undocumented workers

* End the Bush junta's plan to loot Social Security

* Bring the Iraq war to an end as soon as possible

* Put an end to the tax giveaways to the top 1% of obscenely wealthy Americans and raise the minimum wage nationwide

* End the corporate control of government through the buying of politicians

* Bring Bush and other junta members to accountability for their war crimes

* Make sure that all Americans have health insurance

* Terminate corporate outsourcing of American jobs

* Enact legislation that will require paper ballots and a paper trail in all elections

We cannot remain asleep to the likelihood that the Democratic Party will make only cosmetic changes and basically continue the cabal policies. The Democratic Party in the 2006 election is the beneficiary of overwhelming anti-Bush, antiwar sentiment that that party did nothing significantly to encourage.

In fact the majority of Democrats, fearing political reprisal, have maintained that the Iraq war was legitimate. This stands in stark opposition to the American people's anti-Iraq-war feelings. American citizens made it clear in the 2006 election that we have a strong antiwar sentiment which is contradictory to the Democratic Party leaders' pro-Bush stand on Iraq.

The Cowardice, Backpedaling, and False Bi-Partisanship Has Begun

The American people spoke in extremes in the 2006 election because we want to see radical, fundamental changes in the ways of governing. This was a call for sweeping rectification of the outrages the Bush junta has perpetrated. We painted in bold, defiant strokes to register our total rejection of malefactors such as Dubya, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, et al.

We don't want the newly elected Democrats playing footsy with these monsters as though they were reasonable persons deserving of solicitude. We haven't forgotten that they've debased our country into a police state, destroyed all checks and balances in a befouled Congress, and passed legislation and used Presidential violations of laws to destroy Constitutional liberties and sanction crimes such as false imprisonment and torture.

Failing to acknowledge the deception which the appointment of Robert Graves as Secretary of Defense represents, the empty-headed Democratic party leaders began a chorus of praise for Bush's action, following in the wake of a series of statements by Democratic leaders pledging collaboration with the Bush White House. Incoming Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed that the Democrats would pursue "partnership with the president and the Republicans in Congress, and not partisanship."

The Bush junta has already made it clear that it will pretend to work in a bi-partisanship manner with the Democrats--while all the while pushing through more of their police-state measures before the present congressional term expires.

The clearest indication that we'll have to complete our citizen revolution ourselves is the Democratic leadership's preemptive promises to Bush and Schwarzenegger and other criminals that they will not be impeached or indicted. Our revolutionary agenda is something we the people will have to carry out almost entirely on our own.

In her 2006 election victory speech, New York Senator Hillary Clinton, considered to be the front-runner to win the Democratic nomination for president in 2008, declared that American politics had to return to the “vital center,” and pledged her commitment to work with the Republicans in prosecuting the war on terror.

Looking Forward to the 2008 Election

Hillary Clinton represents the kind of "bait and switch" 4 scams that the Democratic Party is already pulling in regard to 2007 and 2008. Both she and her husband are agents of the criminal cabal which seized control of America in the early decades of the twentieth century. This cabal "smoke and mirrors" 5 tactic of controlling both Democratic and Republican politicians has been one of their hallmarks. To recognize that Bill Clinton was a cabal agent, you have only to look at illustrative operations during his presidential tenure:

* He complied with the cabal's insistence that he instigate the war in Kosovo--so the former Soviet Union satellite countries could be pulled into the cabal-dominated NATO and a strategic U.S. military base be located in that region

* He saw to it that NAFTA (North American Free Trade Act) passed, which has resulted in American jobs being outsourced to lower-wage locations and has decimated the American economy

We must make certain that we're not taken in by such counterfeit Democratic candidates as Hillary Clinton in the 2008 presidential election. We already suffered from the cabal ringer 6 John Kerry going back on his promise to contest the stolen 2004 election, standing in solidarity with his Skull-and-Bones brother, George W. Bush.

Our Unfinished Work

The day after the 2006 election, Al Franken (a self-styled progressive) told his Air America audience that the outcome proved that the Republicans never steal elections--never have and never will. He then pretended humility--and contradicted himself--in saying that he never spoke about election fraud because he didn't want to discourage people from voting.

As Democrats have begun to appear as newly-minted pundits on television news programs, we have yet to hear any of them mention such quintessential elements as getting rid of the Patriot Act and restoring Constitutional liberties such as habeas corpus.

Activists in the new Citizen Revolution must not be fooled by such dimwits as these into forgetting what we've suffered over the past six years under the Bush junta. Bush II was brought into the presidency in 2000 through a coup d'etat set up by Jeb Bush, Jim Baker, and the Supreme Court. That changed the entire structure of our government. The 2002 and 2004 presidential elections were stolen by the Republicans, through the connivance of Karl Rove and his Nazis. The fact that the Democrats became vigilant and created election oversight operations in the 2006 election, doesn't prove that the Republicans will not try--and perhaps succeed--in rigging the 2008 election.

The 2006 election is the first of many victories for the American people. In our ongoing battle to overthrow the criminal cabal that's seized control of American political and financial systems, we're fortunate to be joined by a growing number of courageous women and men.

We have an excellent chance of success in this crusade if we prepare assiduously and act fearlessly. In setting the foundation for this absolutely indispensable citizen revolution, we need to assimilate the information contained in these essays.

The people is the grand canyon of humanity and many many miles across.
The people is pandora's box, humpty dumpty, a clock of doom and an avalanche when it turns loose.
The people rest on land and weather, on time and the changing winds.
The people have come far and can look back and say, "We will go farther yet."
The people is a plucked goose and a shorn sheep of legalized fraud
And the people is one of those mountain slopes holding a volcano of retribution,
Slow in all things, slow in its gathered wrath, slow in its onward heave,
Slow in its asking: "Where are we now? what time is it?"

Carl Sandburg


1 Habeas Corpus ("you are to produce the body"): That is, you, the accuser, must bring before the judge the body of the accused, that he may be tried and receive the award of the court, and you the accused are to abide by the award of the judge.

Habeas corpus provides:

* That any man taken to prison can insist that the person who charges him with a crime shall bring him bodily before a judge, and state the why and wherefore of his detention. As soon as this is done, the judge is to decide whether or not the accused is to be admitted to bail. No one, therefore, can be imprisoned on mere suspicion, and no one can be left in prison any indefinite time at the caprice of the powers that be. Imprisonment, in fact, must be either for punishment after conviction, or for safe custody till the time of trial.

* It provides that every person accused of crime shall have the question of his guilt decided by a jury of twelve men, and not by a Government agent or nominee.

* No prisoner can be tried a second time on the same charge.

* Every prisoner may insist on being examined within twenty days of his arrest, and tried by jury the next session.

* No defendant is to be sent to prison beyond the seas, either within or without the U.S. dominions.

2 World Socialist Web Site: "Rumsfeld’s firing: First casualty of post-election crisis in US ," 11/9/06

3 Only 40 percent of those Americans eligible to vote cast ballots, which reveals that a large number of Americans are completely alienated from the political process and many are so apathetic and mindless as to be uninterested in what's happening in the nation and the world.

4 A bait and switch is a form of fraud in which the charlatan lures people by promising a good or service at an unprofitably low price, then reveals to potential customers that the advertised good or service is not available but that a higher-priced substitute good is.

5 Magicians use smoke and mirrors to accomplish illusions such as making objects disappear, when they really don't disappear at all.

6 Ringer: A counterfeit challenger brought into a contest to gain support when his real purpose is to lose, making sure the other side wins.

Updates and Links:

* 10/11/06: US election: Referendum votes reveal social discontent

* 10/11/06: Democratic Party takes control of both houses of Congress

* 10/8/06: US midterm elections: An overwhelming repudiation of the war in Iraq

I posted this whole thing beccause the org. site
seemed to have some bandwith issues and was not always available, check out the org. page for some wonderful images to go along with the article. - Az


At 8:25 AM, Blogger MR said...

The only way Dems lost in 2008 is if they nominate Hillary. She is toxic to much of America. I can't believe people aren't mentioning Al Gore more when discussing serious candidates. To me he is the obvious choice. Shafted in 2000, right on the war, a true visionary/leader on the environment. The anti-Hillary, so to speak...


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