They also believe you can produce the same effect by spinning the written form of the mantra around in a prayer wheel (called "Mani wheels" by the Tibetans). The effect is said to be multiplied when more copies of the mantra are included, and spinning the Mani wheels faster increases the benefit as well.
Unless you are already familiar with Tibetan Buddhist prayer wheels, we'd like to suggest that before reading more of this page, you look at Dharma Haven's main page on Mani wheels: The Prayer Wheel

His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, has said that having the mantra on your computer works the same as a traditional Mani wheel. As the digital image spins around on your hard drive, it sends the peaceful prayer of compassion to all directions and purifies the area.
Dharma Haven - A Harbor from the Storms of Panic and Confusion
Digital Prayer Wheels - Praying with electrons you already have around the house
So just by seeing this page you and I are spreading spiritual blessings of compassion, well being and helping to purify the world... Thank you :) - Az
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