Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I am at a loss

So I am having trouble finding something to eat..

I cant eat...
or any other type of bird because of the BIRD FLU...

and MAD COW has spread to
and sheep

I cant eat
or any other water based creature because of river pollution and hurricane katrina stirring up the lead, mercury and other toxic poisons...

fruits and vegys...
well we grind up animal products and there waste and spread them on the plants to make them grow bigger and faster... and since that might not be working as good as we want lets put some chemicals on there too... dont forget the poisons to kill the bugs... but that's ok .. It wont effect you... While were at it.. Lets genetically modify the plants so we have to buy seeds every year ....Yummy...

cant drink soda, sport drinks, etc because of Aspartame
cant drink bottled water because that's in plastic and that's putting poisons in the water...
cant drink beer because your labeled a alcoholic and its made from the toxic river water...
Water from the tap has been chlorinated, Fluoride and Aluminum added as well

so lets just clear out all drinks cuse they are made with polluted water (in one form or another)

popcorn... nope the bag is lined with Teflon

The triclosan antimicrobial agent used in household dishwashing soaps reacts with chlorinated water to produce significant quantities of chloroform. The research also suggests that the reaction of triclosan with chlorine could be producing highly chlorinated dioxins in the presence of sunlight.

Triclosan And Aluminum in all most EVERY deodorant today

Toothpaste - Fluoride and bauxite (Aluminum dioxide)... common white toothpaste is made largely from Aluminum Dioxide, which is a mildly abrasive, brilliantly white powder. They'll simply add a sudsing agent to make the bubbles, a flavoring agent to make it palatable, perhaps a food coloring agent, some water, and presto - toothpaste. Go read the ingredients on your tube of toothpaste. It'll list one or two 'active ingredients'...notice the combined total amounts of 'active ingredients' is usually less than 1%. What about the other 99%? Tom's Natural Toothpaste is one brand of toothpaste that uses calcium carbonate as the abrasive. They aren't afraid to admit what's in their products.
Procter & Gamble at 1-800-668-0152 and was told that their products contain no aluminum. Since the product only lists 8.473% of its ingredients, I asked what the other 91.5% was. The lady I talked to said the abrasive ingredient was hydrated silica.

The Teflon or aluminum pots and pans you cook with.. or when you go out to eat.. what are they cooking with?

so what's left..
(if I missed something let me know and I will add it to the list)

Its not a fear of everything.. Its a concern about stupidy and the blatant greed for the almighty dollar... to the point of poisoning everyone to make a product cheaper...


At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can't cook in aluminum pots and pans

you can't eat Chinese because of the MSG

and teflon on your pots and pans OH MY


At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's easy - eat organic. That'll take care of the poison part. Drink Gerosteiner it's bottled in glass - or get yourself a little distiller like Bob 7 had - cost about 100 bucks. Cook in stainless or just don't cook very much at all - live foods are supposed to be better anyway. Eating meat is very hard on your body so cutting that out is a good idea for physical as well as vibrational reasons. Hmmm...what else were you grousing about? No alcohol cause others might think something about you that isn't true? Forget that! If you're not going to drink alcohol don't drink it causes it fogs the mind and lowers your vibrational level.

Maybe you need to look in breatharianism - oops forgot about the continually worsening air quality.

Looks like you're outta luck Az.


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