Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Mental Health

So today someone said they were concerned about my "mental health" (I am almost sure that he was joking)

Not because I asked a mutual friend thats currently in India to pick me up some books (Ramayana, Mahabharata, Vimaanika Shastra, and Samaranga Sutradhara) on VIMANAS - "The Aerial Vehicles of Ancient India", so i can do more research on my antigravity mercury vortex engine that i believe the ancient people (thousands of years ago) of our planet have made and flew these craft.... and science is currently now just catching up with (GCT Space Article: 15% Gravity-Shielding ) more on this as i get time to write up a paper about it....

Not because of all that... but because I have questions about 911 and everything that the govt uses the excuse of "because of 911" for.... I emailed him the two articles below (posted on this blog)

"Looniest Of All 911 Conspiracy Theories" and "Experts Claim Official 9/11 Story is a Hoax"

He emailed me back saying he was concerned about my "mental health" and that i shouldnt buy into all the hype about 911.... i have been trying to get this person to watch some video's about 911 for over 2 months... i aproched him about it by saying that i had some questions and would like his help in finding some of the answers.... he still has not watched the videos .... and I have yet to get any answers about 911....

There's a fine line between genius and insanity. Do you walk the line...or fall to one side? would you know which side you were on ?


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