Fuel Choices for American Security Act
Fuel Choices for American Security Act
from page 3
(6) in 2004 alone, the United States sent $103,000,000,000 to undemocratic countries, some of which use revenues to support terrorism and spread ideology hostile to the United States, as documented by the Council on Foreign Relations;
What America's Users Spend on Illegal Drugs 1988–1998
In 1997, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), working with Abt Associates Inc., reported that Americans spent an estimated $57 billion to $91 billion per year between 1988 and 1995 for illicit drugs and for licit drugs used illegally.
soooo... just as a roundish #'s thing... americans spend around the same amount on illegal drugs as the USA sends to "undemocratic countries" for OIL.... (not total $$ for oil, just "undemocratic countries") so again i am going to restate something i came up with a year or so ago...its o offshoot of the old anti drug ad... you know "use drugs and your supporting terrorism!!!"
where is the "Use gas/oil and your supporting terrorism!!!"
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