Friday, February 03, 2006

AOL to Implement E-mail Certification Program

"AOL announced on January 30 that it will phase out its Enhanced Whitelist service in June in favour of Goodmail CertifiedEmail, which carries an as yet unspecified per-message fee. Until now, a mailing list gets on the AOL whitelist by following good e-mail practices, such as cleaning up dead addresses, making it easy for people to leave mailing lists, and of course not sending any spam. This is all going to be thrown out the window and replaced with the payment of hard currency to Goodmail. People who can afford to pay this fee will have the privilege of reaching AOL subscribers, others will end up in junk folders. Yahoo is expected to follow down the same path."

full story at:

Once again we see how $$ prevails above the good of the internet in general or the actual consumer... if you pay enough $$ they will let spam go through to all there customers...

don't want it... Do bad ... They were paid to allow spam in your inbox...

and why shouldn't the ISP's or mail provider make some extra $$ from spamers... and of course... the next logical (greed induced idea) is to also charge the customer extra to NOT receive the spam... so they get extra $$ from the spamer or from the consumer... eather way its looking bad for the consumer....


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