The UnMedical Miracle Oxygen
Well another book about oxygen therapies... live learn... think for yourself... the pharma. co.'s make $$ from you when your sick... they are owned by the same people that own the media (there are only 5 major media co.'s now) do you really think they are going to come on the "news" and tell you that you dont have to be sick?
You can live for weeks without food and for days without water, but without Oxygen you would be dead in minutes. Does this ever concern you? If there were a food or water shortage there would be panic in the streets. Yet there is an Oxygen shortage and no one notices, because unlike eating and drinking, which we are fully aware of, we breathe unconsciously.
Oxygen comprises about 20% of today’s atmosphere. Yet air samples taken from ancient ice indicate there was significantly more Oxygen in our atmosphere just a few thousand years ago — as high as 30%! Is that why the Biblical patriarchs lived more than 900 years? Where sufficient Oxygen is present, disease cannot live! Two-time Nobel Prize for Medicine winner Otto Warburg stated this in 1966: "Where cells get enough Oxygen, cancer will not, cannot occur."
Unfortunately, due to pollution that began with the Industrial Age and the steady eradication of the world’s plant life which makes the Oxygen we breathe, our Oxygen supply is rapidly dwindling, literally right under our noses. For those of us who live in urban areas the Oxygen levels can dip to as low as 10%, and even lower indoors.
Is it any wonder, then, that we have so much chronic disease in today’s world? We live longer, but we’re sicker. Medical pioneers down through the years have been voicing the fact that Oxygen starvation is the leading cause of degenerative disease, but their valuable research has been ignored and even suppressed by the medical and pharmaceutical establishments.
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