Types of extraterrestrial civilizations
Rember this is coming from type 0 minds, so im sure that the next level will have a better understanding of the different types of civilizations... :)
Type 0 – unsophisticated,
Type 1-planetary,
Type 2 – inter-solar,
Type 3- intergalactic,
Type 4 – hyper-spatial,
Type 5 – indestructible in chilled Universe
The multiverse is teeming with civilizations. But not all these civilizations are at the same stage of evolution. As a matter of fact the type zero civilizations seldom get to the type one level. There are hundreds of thousands unsophisticated type zero civilizations that evolve in very crude fashion cannot defend themselves against cosmic disasters and fight savagely among themselves. The advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are seldom interested in type zero civilization since there are so many to observe.
Type 1 civilizations are planetary. They form one nation – one unified civilization that can utilize all the solar energy its planets receive, can defend jointly against typical planetary geophysical disasters like earthquakes, super volcanoes, and asteroids.
Type 2 civilizations form colonies all over the solar system. They can travel seamlessly from one planet to other. They can utilize the entire energy levels of their star. They are inter-solar civilizations and are contacted by the Type III and Type IV civilizations. They eventually get a very fast uplift in science and technologies through these contacts.
Type III civilizations are intergalactic. They can harness tremendous amount of energy. They can travel seamlessly from one galaxy to another at speeds much faster than light covering thousands of light years instantaneously, bend space and time to create cosmic travel fast and easy. They realize that every universe is contained in the sea of multiverse – the hyperspace. All universes eventually get destroyed just like bubbles in the ocean. The type III civilizations eventually tries to break open the cosmic space and time spatial dimensions to escape the mortal universe. They eventually create intergalactic particle accelerators to generate tremendous levels of energy. They try and create wormholes that open to the Hyperspace. They transport their civilization to the hyperspace.
Type IV civilizations colonize different universes and base on the Hyperspace. They also realize that hyperspaces also get destroyed. They form integrated consciousness with recyclable Zero Point Energy (ZPE) modules. They seed and harness type zero civilizations that can eventually become type III or IV civilizations. They recycling of ZPE allow a type IV civilization to attain higher levels of integrated consciousness that is the ultimate form of existence. The Hyperspaces of multiverses are contained in a non-destructible chilled universe below it. While the Hyperspace is a quantum vacuum, the chilled universe an endless spectrum of integrated consciousness where time, energy, space and even quantum vacuum gets integrated into an immortal indestructible state unknown to terrestrial physics.
Type V civilizations thrive in the chilled universe.
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