Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Technology of John Searl for Broadband

Denver 1994 IFNE Conference

January 5th, 2006: Filmed in 1994 at the IFNE Conference in Denver, this hour-long presentation by John Searl describes the inner-workings of the infamous Searl-Effect Generator and IGV Propulsion System with photos, schematics, construction details, and a concise summary of 1960's testing that you simply can't afford to miss!

John Searl is one of the most controversial figures in Antigravity research, but since beginning his work in the 1940's, he's arguably become "the father of modern Antigravity". His claim is simple: that after a childhood dream showing a rotating set of rollers on a metallic ring, he constructed a device called the Searl Effect Generator (SEG) that seems to produce massive Antigravitational thrust.

Despite the numerous construction & test photos shown in this presentation, critics often dismiss Searl's work as bogus due to his historically poor business decisions & the lack of a currently functioning SEG for public demonstration. Additionally, while Searl has always claimed to use "the Law of the Squares" as a tool for designing the SEG, it has never been fully integrated into existing scientific theory, leaving science with no real explanation to support his claims.

Despite waning popularity in the 1990's, Searl's claims are now receiving a renewed interest due to supporting evidence from Dr. Paul Brown as well as current experimental SEG testing by Sergei Godin & Vladimir Roschin in an unrelated development effort. Additionally, critics of Searl's theory are revisiting his experimental claims in the context of Torsion-Theory, based on well-tested concepts developed by some of the world's leading theoretical physicists.

Searl himself is a cultural icon -- despite his critics, his device has become something of a Jungian archetype for what an Antigravity device "should be". His long & checkered history of promoting this technology has led to a host of spinoffs, and deeply influenced the development of the Antigravity community -- in both positive and negative ways. As the 21st century unfolds, Searl's legacy is going to see growing interest & theoretical support, and after 60 years of turmoil his claims are firmly entrenched in the culture of Antigravity research.

Format & Size: WinMedia 10 Streaming (141mb)
Run Time: 56 minutes, 43 seconds
Link: The Technology of John Searl - IFNE Conference, Denver 1994
Gratis: OSEN Canada

Official Site: The Searl Effect Online

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