Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Reagan Cabinet Member Calls Bush Hitler And 911 His Reichstag Fire

Former Conservative Wall Street Journal Writer And Reagan Cabinet Member Calls Bush Hitler And 911 His Reichstag Fire
Paul Craig Roberts is starting the New Year off with his 'pen blazing,' asking whether neo-cons are planning another terrorist attack in 2006.
3 Jan 2006

By Greg Szymanski

A former conservative Wall Street Journal columnist and Reagan Cabinet member is again on the warpath against President Bush and his gang of thugs, calling Bush's actions for spying on Americans treasonous and one more reason for a 2006 impeachment of "Hitler in the Oval Office."

A feisty Paul Craig Roberts, a former Asst. Sec. of the Treasury during the Reagan years, is starting off the New Year with his "pen blazing," comparing the Bush administration to the Nazi regime while ending his latest column, called "A Criminal Administration," with the ominous possibility of another huge terrorist attack in 2006 orchestrated by the neo-cons"

"September 11, 2001, played into neoconservative hands exactly as the 1933 Reichstag fire played into Hitler's hands. Fear, hysteria, and national emergency are proven tools of political power grabs. Now that the federal courts are beginning to show some resistance to Bush's claims of power, will another terrorist attack allow the Bush administration to complete its coup?"

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