Monday, January 23, 2006

Quantum leap in physics?


EAST WINDSOR - Traversing the long, sterile white corridors of BlackLight Power's offices here, technicians in lab coats and safety goggles are hard at work on what they believe is a scientific revolution.

They meticulously examine tubes of gray powder, generate purple plasma in a tube and measure the temperature changes in large water baths. In warehouse-like rooms, each filled with various gadgets and experiments, a controversial new form of energy sizzles.

According to BlackLight's founder, a cheap, non-polluting energy is generated 1,000 times more efficiently than conventional power sources.

However, there is considerable skepticism in the scientific community, and to many, BlackLight's claims defy the laws of physics.

Within months, company officials say, they will offer critical information and possibly even a prototype of an energy generating device that functions according to the principles that BlackLight's founder, Randell Mills, says he has discovered.

With enough financial and marketing support, the energy could be available for use worldwide in just a few years, BlackLight researchers say.

"This technology could eliminate gasoline altogether," said Mills of his radical theory. "I think it will have extraordinary impact."

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