now i love documentarys but this really is more then i could handle... vegetarian or meat eater?? the long list of videos below are shocking and very disturbing no mater which camp you belong... you were warned!
PETA - Meet your Meat
12 min 28 sec
The video that all meat-eaters should watch and every vegetarian should own, "Meet Your Meat," narrated by Alec Baldwin, covers each stage of life of animals raised for food. No PETA videos are copyrighted, so copy them for everyone you know.
Animal Liberation Front (ALF) - The Frontline
16 min 30 sec
"adventure is better than caution" - in the 3rd ALF movie, we once again find the warriors of the ALF using non-violent direct action in the defence of non-human life. Pheasant pens trashed, lab's and lab breeders raided. battery farms sabotaged and their captives liberated, cars burned, boats attacked, quarries invaded, and yet this video only begins to scratch the surface. this movie is intended as a factual documentary. it is not intended to incite any form of illegal activity.
The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) carries out direct action against animal abuse in the form of rescuing animals and causing financial loss to animal exploiters, usually through the damage and destruction of property. The ALF's short-term aim is to save as many animals as possible and directly disrupt the practice of animal abuse. Their long term aim is to end all animal suffering by forcing animal abuse companies out of business.
PETA - Chew on This - 10 reasons to become a vegan
3 min 40 sec
Every year, more than 27 billion animals (including fish) are killed for food in the United States alone. PETAâs video "Chew on This" sheds light on animal suffering and highlights many of the other reasons to choose a compassionate, plant-based diet.
Vegetarianism not only spares billions of animals from horrific suffering, but also spares your waistline. Simply put, meat and dairy products can make you fat, cause heart disease, put a major damper on your sex life, and destroy the environment.
Slaughterhouse - the Task of Blood (BBC)
59 min 30 sec
The vast majority of people in Britain eat meat but have little knowledge of how that meat ends up on their table. In a powerful observational documentary, Slaughterhouse: The Task of Blood reveals the day-to-day workings of a small, family-run abattoir and attempts to get inside the minds of the people who work there.
It's a hidden part of British life, but the reality is that thousands of animals are slaughtered every day in abattoirs. This film shows the process of meat production as animals are killed, butchered and stored in fridges before being transported to retail outlets. It reveals the attitudes of the workers to their task, their colleagues and life.
Slaughterhouse: The Task Of Blood is produced by BAFTA award winning film-maker, Brian Hill.
Dispatches: Supermarket Secrets
49 min 9 sec
Channel 4 documentary on the factory farming of chickens.
Using a combination of undercover filming and scientific analysis, Supermarket Secrets investigates whether the food on supermarket shelves is really as good as it looks, whether prices are as good as they seem and what happens behind the scenes in the production of supermarket food.
Goldfinger - free me
2 min 29 sec
An acoustic walk through the horror of factory farms.
Animal Rights
22 min 4 sec
Animal Rights is now a mass popular movement set to change the world. In this groundbreaking video, the companion to Campaign Against Cruelty, activists tell why they do it and how our campaigns are bringing about a revolution that will end all animal abuse.
Covance (undercover) - poisoning for profit
19 min 54 sec
The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) went undercover inside Covance, Inc., a contract testing laboratory in Munster, Germany, with locations worldwide. Covance is using its muscle and money to stifle the BUAV from showing the public what it found in the primate-poisoning laboratory and has forced the organization to remove photos and video footage of the terrified animals from its Web site.
Covance - PETA investigation 2005 / USA
4 min 48 sec
PETA's investigator was hired by Covance as a technician and worked inside the company's primate testing lab in Vienna, Virginia, from April 26, 2004, to March 11, 2005. The investigator's video documentation inside the lab started on July 30, 2004, and what she documented-the terror, sadness, sickness, injuries, suffering, and deaths of monkeys from the wild and Covance's own breeding facilities—will leave even the staunchest supporter of animal testing ashamed and all good people clamoring for justice. It will also make it perfectly clear that government oversight of labs such as Covance is a farce.
Mercy For Animals - Ohio Fresh Eggs Investigation
8 min 58 sec
Between August 2001 and November 2004, members of the non-profit Ohio animal advocacy organization Mercy For Animals have conducted four undercover investigations of Ohio's largest egg factory farms.
At every facility investigated, MFA found severe overcrowding and confinement, countless sick and injured hens, hens who had become trapped in the wire of their cages, and dead birds left to slowly rot and decompose next to birds still producing eggs for human consumption.
The cruel conditions illustrated on their website are not isolated incidents. Sadly, similar abuses run rampant on factory farms across the country. The abuses stem from a system in which living, feeling animals are regarded as mere property, commodities to be exploited for every last penny.
The most important thing you can do to stop the suffering of these animals is to stop eating eggs and other animal products.
Wegmans Cruelty
Compassionate Consumers
27 min 25 sec
Wegmans Cruelty is a documentary produced by a small investigative team from the organization Compassionate Consumers. Organization members contacted Wegmans Food Markets to try to hold some meaningful dialogue about the conditions at Wegmans Egg Farm, and were then misled and dismissed by Wegmans representatives. The team set out to capture actual footage inside the farm and create a film based on their experience. The film features statements from Wegmans representatives, interviews with the investigators, and footage of what life and death is like inside of an "Animal Care Certified" battery cage facility.
Animal Rights Activists Rescue Factory Farm Chickens
10 min 39 sec
Peaceable Kingdom
1 hr 9 min 27 sec
Imagine awakening one day to realize that the work you were trained to do since birth, the life you had always imagined you’d lead, the very values that had been taught in your family for generations, went against the deepest part of your being.
In Peaceable Kingdom, we hear the riveting stories of people struggling with their conscience around some of our society’s most fundamental assumptions.
An inspiring story of personal redemption, compassion, healing and hope, Peaceable Kingdom is described by many of its viewers as 'a life changing experience'.
Help the cats and dogs in China~!
3 min 20 sec
Animal rights? PETA? someone... help them... JCrew bad fur??
15 min 30 sec
Penn and Tellers show BULLSHIT! covers the two faced foundation PETA.
Try this link
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