Sunday, January 15, 2006

Listen Up with Lorna Dueck

Listen Up with Lorna Dueck #240 - High on the Land
29 min 49 sec
An innocent plant or a dangerous industry? Over a million Canadians are smoking marijuana creating a demand for billions of dollars in an economy of grow-ops.
The profits are staggering - billions of dollars in an illegal industry of cash cropping marijuana. But who's getting rich? Public Safety Minister Anne McClellen says organized crime that's who.

And what about the consumer - will there be any effort to slow down our addiction to marijuana ? The drug is more popular among teenagers now than in the past 25 years. Advocates call it a natural, ancient plant. Addiction specialists say its dangerous gateway drug to narcotic substances. Canadian laws surrounding marijuana possession are seen as lax even though the government says decriminalization is only for single users, not those involved in mass-production and trafficking. But the problem of growing marijuana for the purpose of trafficking is increasing and proof lies in the number of marijuana grow-op houses sprouting up across the country - police report 50,000 nation-wide.

Listen Up with Lorna Dueck #251 - Marijuana Reform
25 min 58 sec
The Decriminalization of Marijuana - Inevitable or a disaster in the making? Today four families, who say they’ve paid the ultimate price for Canada’s law and order, speak out. The parents of four RCMP Officers slain in the line of duty say its time to reform our approach to crime. Key in their focus is Canada’s weakening stand on drug laws. Marijuana, like its cousin alcohol – is poised to become a societal norm.


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