Tuesday, January 24, 2006

From Physics to Religion, Time & Distance Are An Illusion

There are no well defined boundaries between any thing or any people ...except in ignorant minds. Peace, happiness, wholeness, love, all exist right here, today, right now in this moment ...only the mind leads you astray.

In order to fathom reality, you must let go of the concept of time and distance, and other illusions created by men. Those who adhere to time as a measurement, as a truth, will always find themselves imprisoned and constrained ...indeed, believing in time becomes a source for feeling unloved, separate and alone.

We are each integral parts of an entire whole. All is one. There is no time and there are no distances between us. This feeling of separateness that pervades humanity is false, born of limited understanding and the prevailing concept of time.

The only true history is the history of the soul, the spirit.

We are all individual souls evolving toward our own unique perfection, yet paradoxically, we are still inseparably connected. The universe, we, and everything else in it is perfect, all is good, and all will right itself without intervention.

Just as water seeks its on level, every event, one’s own personal experiences, even tragedy all happen for a perfect reason. Like a vacuum, like a magnet, we are pulled into the next event or experience based on our exact needs, by virtue of a "space" that needs to be filled, a lesson that must be learned.

By design, we attract into our lives that which we have yet to master and require for enlightenment.

Ultimately, there is but one lesson for each of us to learn, and that is the individual ability to accept, love and revere unconditionally every person, every thing, every part of this earth as if it were yourself, your beloved ...as if it were your very own infant child.

The continuity and beauty of this world is the fluid interaction between all the elements ...the ultimate dance, the loving exchange which gives meaning to existence itself. We, mankind, are but one important element.

We are all one in this world, irrevocably and gloriously. The earth is alive and the universe is a great living organism. We are each its perfect reflection and a necessary component of the whole.

All of your dreams, all of your thoughts are nothing short of fabulous magic! Yet all is forever swirling, fluid, recreating itself over and again ...and still forever, we are always one.

Rejoice in the mysterious.



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