Saturday, January 14, 2006

Esoteric Teaching

Esoteric Teaching Introductory Seminar Preview: The Hard Questions
5 min 45 sec
The Esoteric Teaching is the most ancient original source material on Yoga and Meditation in the world. For many years, the actual history and methods of Yoga, Meditation and Tantra have been hidden behind a smokescreen of disinformation and deception deliberately created to confuse and defeat anyone who tried to research these esoteric subjects. As a result, Yoga teachings and practices in the West, and even in India, have become completely distorted from the original.

The Brotherhood of the Esoteric Teaching is a secret resistance movement against the worldwide conspiracy to pollute and disempower the sacred truths of the Vedas. Finally, the time has come to release these confidential truths and expose the sinister movement that keeps them from benefiting the whole world with peace, prosperity and enlightenment.

The Introductory Seminar, "The Hidden History of Yoga and Tantra," tells the complete story and introduces you directly to the original source materials of Yoga, Meditation and Tantra. No other school or teaching of Yoga does this. Why not?

Esoteric Teaching Introductory Seminar Part 1-A: "The Highest Mantra"
11 min 45 sec
Presents, discusses and initiates the viewer into the dvadasaksara (12-syllable) mantra, "om namo bhagavate vasudevaya."

Esoteric Teaching Introductory Seminar Part 1-B: "Everything You Know is Wrong"
10 min 53 sec
The knowledge available in the West about yoga, meditation and tantra has been filtered through a screen of disinformation, such that it has become completely different from the original sources. There are three main reasons why everything you think you know about Eastern spirituality is wrong:
1. You have insufficient knowledge.
2. Whatever knowledge you do possess is inaccurate.
3. It is the wrong quality of knowledge.

Esoteric Teaching Introductory Seminar Part 1-C: "Content and Context"
13 min 11 sec
This section of the Esoteric Teaching Introductory Seminar describes how the Vedic literature is the actual context of yoga, meditation, tantra, etc. Western versions of these teachings that try to remove them from their original context inevitably distort them, making them useless for their original intended purposes.

Esoteric Teaching Introductory Seminar: Mantra-Japa
4 min 35 sec
This video demonstrates the proper way to chant the dvadasaksara-mantra: om namo bhagavate vasudevaya. It is a part of the Esoteric Teaching Introductory Seminar, "Secret History of Yoga and Tantra."


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