Update on Wal-Mart
Update on Wal-Mart Campaigns
“Perhaps no other group is scrutinizing the company more thoroughly than Wal-Mart Watch.”
—Arkansas Democrat Gazette, 6/5/05

Wal-Mart sucks!
My husband works for Wal-mart. He sells his soul every day he walks into the place. The 'associates' are brainwashed as well as abused. While I was going to school. He was our only financial support. He brought home about $1800/month. We barely made ends meet. We could not afford insurance, because for a family (just me and him) The cost was almost $600/month. Just ridiculous. So, I went 2 years without blood pressure meds, dental coverage or vision checks. On another note, many associates, when hurt at work are coerced not to go to the doctor. They are told if they go they will be written up or even fired. This is not a one time event, this is a daily problem. My husband hurt his back, sciatic nerve, they told him if he could walk he could work and that he did not need to go to the company doctor and if he went to his own, they would write him up. (because the accident happened at work and if your hurt at work you have to go to the company doctor, but they would not let him go to the company doctor....) little bit of a catch-22 there, ya think.
I could go on and on with the injustices Wal-Mart imposes on their employees.
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