Thursday, December 01, 2005

Got Jacket????

Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age

Study: Current that warms Europe weakening - Change could cause dramatic temperature drop

I saw on CNN last night (sorry I don't remember the guys name) but he was talking about this and its relation to the movie "the day after tomorrow" and if the timeframe in the movie (a few days) could happen in real life... he said 10 deg. drop in 20 years.... hummmm why do I get the weird feeling that that statement was meant more for a calming effect for the masses? and not the real truth....

over the past 30+ years I have noticed a warming trend ... living in south east PA growing up we always had feet of snow... for months at a time... I remember walking outside more then once a year and the snow was over my head (granted I was much smaller then).... I left PA when I was 25 or so... and still have friends and family there... the snow level just isn't the same.... A lot more ice storms but a lot less snow...

could this just be a warming cycle that occurs naturally? Yes it could... But... I do feel that the past 100 years of using fossil fuels has effected the earth in ways that we don't realize yet...

of course I can see how a warming of the earth can cause a ice age in the northern areas because of ocean currents... but also taken farther... if the ice caps melt too much... the spinning top we call earth will not be nicely balanced .. and a crustal displacement might follow... (see Rand Flem-Ath's articles and books)


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