Monday, December 26, 2005


Bush Christmas card rankles many conservative Christians

Donohue makes rounds attacking Bush holiday card

'Holiday' Cards Ring Hollow for Some on Bushes' List

While everyone is making a big stink about WHAT was said on the Bush's Xmas card and what it could and could not mean... What bothers me is.. There was 1.4 million xmas cards sent out... Political freebees include mail postage... But tax payers have to pay for this....

1.4 million cards at $0.37 each = $518,000.00

that's 2.59 times the prez's annual salary... ($200k)
about 12 times the annual salary of a middle class person (@43k)

A half million dollars just to send out xmas cards... Does anyone else think that's a bit much for taxpayers to spend....


At 4:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The spending is MUCH worse than that...

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What middle class are you referring to? Is there one left? Hey, Dave, what's up? We gotta stop meeting like this - hahahahahaha!


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