Thursday, December 22, 2005


I could go on and on about banks... but i don’t feel like getting more frustrated then I all ready am.... the bank i use currently has actually been good... till this morning when i checked my account....

In today’s world where most banking is done electronically WHY is it still so hard to instantly deduct ANY charge/debit to the card??? Maybe its not the banks (malicious as they are) maybe its the backwater system the credit co. use... 5 days for a charge to show up on a account... WTF for???

I used to work at a call center that among other things serviced a north east back chain... and boy did they have some twisted stories about how cu's accounts got messed up....There Should be a way to charge big corps a fee when THEY mess things up... of course there would have to be a review board or something so it wouldn’t be abused... but something for the common person to be able to stand up and say NO MORE!!!! when I mess up you charge a LARGE fee.... when the big corp. messes up... well nothing you can do... just sit there and take it in the ass... and if the outsourced (inside and outside the US) cu service agent that makes $8-$10 a hour ($8 if they work for CLIENT LOGIC) doesn’t agree that someone at the bank(where they don’t even work) messed up... then your totally fucked!

I work at a LARGE corp. that does bill for its services... and I am actually here to do tech support for the service, but I can do all different kinds of things for the cu... including billing... and I come across both sides of the issues..from the co. totally screwing the cu. to the cu trying to get everything for free ( I actually had one cu that had service for 7 months and NEVER paid his bill... every month he would call in and complain about the service and threaten to cancel service and we would give him a month credit to stay with us) anyway... when I get a cu that the co. I work for screwed over... I go above and beyond to solve the cu's issue... AND give something extra for there trouble....even if I should not(co. policy) because I know what its like to be screwed by the big corp. and when i see it happen and i can actually do something about it... I do what I can... YES I roll free trucks out to the cu, yes i send out free modems, yes I give free months credits.... AND fix the issue.... and you know what.... the cu's I do that for are totally shocked and they all say that they will stay with the co. just because I helped them when no one else would....

To misquote my aunt :) "you get back what you put out"

GREED will be (one of) the downfall of this world... we are all one... we are all interconnected... screw one and screw yourself... you might not know it right away... or how or when it will come back to you... but it will ... the universe will provide....

morning rant is finished :) thank you...


At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just switched over to Wachovia myself and immeadiately had a little NSF mishap - entirely due to MY slackness. When I called in to see if I could link up my CD so it would cover a similar situation (cause it seems to happen now and again) - the lovely fellow, Jim, I think it was, spent a good 20 minutes with me and then out of the blue deleted my $30 NSF fee. As a result I'm getting ready to consolidate all my varied bank accounts at Wachovia. Jim must agree with your technique.



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